segunda-feira, 12 de outubro de 2015

Citações CQN 7

Como viram na última aula, a revista Cine Qua Non n. 7, onde surge o artigo "Ocupa os teus museus / Occupy Your Museums", vem numa caixinha de papel (uma espécie de moldura!) com as seguintes citações diretamente relacionadas com o ensaio em questão, algumas das quais foram mote para reflexão.

"Museums are the embodiment of cultural authority, authority exerted as an aesthetic — hence moral — force. Museums embody economic inequality and the structural conglemoration of money and power.

Our culture is our commons. But the commons are parceled, financialized, bought and sold like stocks and bonds.

The 1% have hijacked culture. They have colonized it, mined it, and left the soil barren. Museums reflect the trend of public resources being hijacked by the private sector.

Art is framed away; it has become a separate sphere of culture, a zone designated for authorized challenge, creativity, and pseudo-revolt.

Capitalism is a human rights problem. A system that leaves so many hungry, poor, and sick is not the best one we can have.

Culture can be hacked; we can subvert, appropriate, or reimagine the language of power to create new dreams and spaces for new realities. Sustainable political change happens only on the cultural level. Resist, reframe, and rebuild."

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