quarta-feira, 16 de março de 2011

Enunciado Trabalho Escrito

Arte Norte-Americana

Trabalho Escrito


Docente: Diana Almeida

“Out of the immense industrial expansion of America in the 1850s and 1860s, through the smoke and glare of foundries, the clamor and all transforming speed of the railroads and the pandemonium of the factories, there emerged the dominant image of the American nineteenth century, an image monopolized by the North after the ruin of the South: the myth of the Machine itself. The Machine was imagined as a vast, omnipotent, stupid, and obedient genie, released from the bottle by the hand of Yankee ingenuity. It was, in effect, a superslave, to whose ownership no moral criticism attached. From this arose the perception of the Technological Sublime, America’s counter to the visible and God-given sublimity of its own landscape. The works of man are seen to rival those of God, and limitless power can be released by the merest gesture of a hand.”

Robert Hughes, American Visions: The Epic History of Art in America, 278.

Comente o excerto acima citado e caracterize as duas grandes temáticas da pintura dos Estados Unidos da América na segunda metade do século XIX, tendo em conta o contexto sociopolítico da nação. Ilustre as suas considerações com referência a obras e artistas específicos, sob a perspectiva da representação do corpo enquanto matriz da identidade individual e colectiva.

Entrega a 1 de Abril. Máximo 2 páginas A4, Times New Roman, Letra 12, dois espaços.

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